Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Home, Sweet Home - Photo Blog

As I was journalling a couple days ago, I wrote something about "these past few weeks," referring to my time in Vietnam. Then I paused and I realized I'd barely been here 5 days. Apparently my brain is still in a time warp. It's hard to believe it, but today marks the end of our first week. We've mostly settled in to the University and are continuing to discover more of the surrounding area. Enjoy this photo tour of our location!

This is the building (5th floor) where we'll be teaching. The photo was snapped from the entrance of the building we live in, so we're literally about 100 yards away from our classrooms. Awesome.

Sarah modelling one of our most important purchases here (umbrella) in front of the building we live in. My room is the farthest door on the right, first floor.

My room! More space than I've ever had to myself in my life! View as you enter the door and look left.

My desk!

Taste of home. :) Look closely and you might find a picture of or card from you!
Room view from the bathroom door.

We've also been learning how to walk again. And cross the street. Some of the best advice we've been given is "Never assume the ground is level" and "When crossing the street, just watch out for the big stuff (buses, cars) and the start walking; the motorbikes will miss you." Here's some "street level" pics from our explorations of the area surrounding the university.
Typical buildings/houses. Tall and narrow, with shops at street level.

Motor bike parking on the sidewalk - and this is a very UNcrowded place.

Place of refuge - we found a green park!

With a lake. About a 20 minute walk from campus.
Street market video! 

This is just a glimpse of what we've been experiencing here. For more pics (including cityscape from a 12th story window) and updates, visit my teammate Sarah's blog at www.onemorescribe.wordpress.com.


  1. Looks great! I like your room. I forget, do you have a kitchen? How do you eat?


  2. We ate like college, ha. We do have a shared kitchen for the guest house (about 7-8 people living here). But I eat a lot of eggs, peanut butter, and tuna...granola, yogurt, cereal. Throw in some fruits and veggies and that's my typical diet. + coffee, of course. ;)
