Monday, October 3, 2011

Teaching Moments

Oohhhh teaching. It can be stressful. It can be tiring. But sometimes, it’s just downright hilarious.

1)      “I’m tall.” A couple of my male students said this in introductory speeches. They were maybe my height (5’4”). I had to physically check myself to keep from laughing.

2)      “Mieul YAHSson” and “Lady GhaGHA.” Translation? Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga. This led to a 5 minute pronunciation lesson on the letters “k” and “j” and “g,” as well as a quick mention of syllable stress. Hopefully it sticks and transfers to words other than the names of their favorite pop stars.

3)      “The beautiful, enthusiasm teachers.” Student response to the question, “What was the best thing about your first week of university?” Wonder if he woulda said the same thing if he knew I’m not the one actually assigning his grades. Hmm….

4)      Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Ever tried using Mary Poppins to teach syllables? We were reviewing comparative/superlative adjectives and the differences in formation based on the number of syllables in the word. The students had the look on their face of “Are you seriously making us review this?” So I hit them with the above. Can you decipher the number of syllables in the word? How ‘bout “hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia”? (Which, by the way, ironically means “the fear of long words.”)
That's it for installment one. More to come, I’m sure. J


  1. So... How many syllables are there in the hippo word? And I think that student knew just what he was talkin about! :P


  2. Haha. Pretty sure there's 15 syllables.
