Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cockroach - 1, Samantha - 0

Today I returned to my room and was walking past my bed when I saw a large blackish dot near the wall that half-registered in my brain as an insect. I did a double-take and found there was, indeed, a cockroach sitting there motionless. My first reaction was to put on closed-toe slippers, open the door, grab a broom, and mount my bed (all while staring at the insect, of course, to make sure it didn't move). My intention was to sweep it outside, making the first swipe while perched atop the bed in case anything should go amiss.

So I stood there. And I stood there. And I stood there some more, trying to make up my mind to actually execute the action plan. I’m sure if anyone glanced in through the open door they were thoroughly amused to see an American standing on her bed, broom in hands, staring at the floor. After literally at least 5 minutes (and several false starts), the critter decided it wasn’t going to wait for me to shoe it. It ran back behind my nightstand/bed. Ironically, despite knowing that it was still in my room, I felt better simply having it out of sight.
Pathetic? Yes. I’m well aware. Irrational? Again, well aware.
Last week I successfully chased an ugly critter about half the width and twice the length of a cockroach out of room with a broom. But today, defeat. Maybe next time I’ll settle the score. I think I need to invest in some bug-killing spray. I’m currently hoping cockroaches don’t climb walls/ceilings. If you know the answer and it’s a yes, don’t tell me. Ignorance is bliss in this particular situation.
Oh. And I now have two footprints on my previously clean bed sheets.


  1. Aaaaaahahahahahaaaa. Sam! What happened to the bug killing spray I gave you???? And what in the world was that thing that was twice as long as a cockroach!?,?!!,!, ewwwwwwww! I'm hoping your skills have improved by now. Haha. I love you!


  2. Lol - glad you at least got a laugh out of the story. ;) The bugspray wouldn't fit with my suitcase weight. :( :( As well as a number of other things I'd wanted to bring, ha. And my suitcases were both still within a pound of being overweight, ha. I have no idea what the thing was that was twice as long a the cockroach. I've never seen one before or since. (Thankfully.) But we have now seen a 6 inch centipede! No joke! Thankfully it was dead when we saw it. But apparently they're quite poisiness. If one bit you in the head or neck, you could die. :/
