Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Elf

Things happen here that just make me laugh because they are so foreign to my experience. On our way home from the city center yesterday, we stopped at KFC for dinner. Some of the employees at the counter speak some English. Everyone is getting out their Christmas decorations this time of year (which still baffles my internal clock since the weather just began to feel like September), so the employees were all sporting Santa hats.

After getting our food, we went up to the second floor, sat down in a high-backed booth, and began eating. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a Santa-hatted, tan, smiling Vietnamese face literally popped up behind my head and was coupled with a simultaneous (accented ) “Hello!” His crossed arms were resting on the back of the high booth-bench and his chin was resting on top the crossed arms. (Please create a mental picture!) It was the employee who had taken our order. He proceeded to happily start chatting away and watching us eat our entire meal. Gratefully, I wasn’t directly facing him, so I didn’t have to compress my disbelieving-smile-that-this-was-actually-happening as much as Sarah did. He couldn’t understand much of what we said, but was eager to continue the conversation anyway. Example: At one point Sarah asked him if he celebrated Christmas. His answer was, “My birthday is October 7th.” Conversation ranged from his age (20), to where he learned English, to what he was studying, to why I ordered the part of the chicken that I did (we think – we’re still not exactly sure what he was saying).
And then all of a sudden he wasn’t there. His exit was as abrupt as his entrance, suddenly dashing away.
When the REI board was here a few weeks ago, one of them mentioned that they loved Vietnam because of all its surprises. This experience definitely fell into that category. As we left the restaurant and let loose previously stifled peals of laughter, I felt like the experience was one that came from a movie. I wish I had a video or picture to share with you. But I guess I’ll have to leave it up to your imaginations. We enjoyed our Christmas Elf visit.


  1. understand 70% but it's funny...^_^

  2. 'hello!!!'.

    Aaaahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!! I can just see it! Poor Sarah! Hahahahahaha
